現代人幾乎天天都要"Facebook"一下, 介紹<The Social Network>這部電影給大家瞧瞧, 看看2004年,哈佛大二學生查克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)因失戀跟同學在宿舍裡創辦The Facebook.com的故事...

1. 首部曲: 中文字幕版預告片吧.. <The Social Network 社群網戰>

前半段速度比較慢, 看自己能不能聽到以下這些字: comment(留言), add as friend(加為朋友), What's on your mind?(在想什麼?), relationship status(感情狀態), in a relationship(穩定交往中), confirm(確認)... 等Facebook介面常看得到的字, 進入電影情節後, 角色對話一整個變快, 要有心理準備迎接挑戰哦..


2. 二部曲 : What is the movie about?  (聽懂多少? 看懂多少?)

放鬆心情, 享受一下電影...看自己能不能多找到一些有趣的用字或表達...
(1) 官方版 (無字幕): 適合高級 advanced learners
(2) 中文字幕版!  適合中級intermediate learners
(3) 英文字幕版! : 適合中高級higher intermediate learners

P.S. 這部預告片速度比較快, 字也比較深, 適合中級以上學習者呦~~~~~當然也歡迎喜歡挑戰的初級者試試看...^^

3.  三部曲: Do you have problem of understanding this trailer? What's new for you? Listen again. Let's check it out.

積木原理, 看看這部片子, 有哪幾塊積木是新的(新單字)? 又出現了哪幾種新鮮的組合呢? (新文法)


Vocabulary   (單字解釋依此處上下文為主)

1. something really substantial (adj.) true, real, or strong
2. get the attention 引起注意
3. exclusive (adj.) 獨一無二
4. lead to (v.) cause
5. within 2 hours: 2個小時內
6. is worth million dollars: 價值百萬元
7. potentially
8. write us a check 開支票給我們
9. make a few enemies: 有幾個敵人 (背叛幾個朋友)
10. be accused of ...: 被控告...
11. intentionally (adv.) 故意, 蓄意
12. breach (v.): to break or violate 破壞, 違反 (breach security 破壞安全系統)
13. violate (v.): 違反 (violate copyrights違反著作權; violate individual privacy 違反個人隱私權)
14. sue sb. for sth. (v.) 控告誰什麼事: Your best friend is suing you for 600 million dollars.求償6億元 (中文字幕翻成180億元, 因為換算成台幣啦..)
15. charge(s) (n.) 指控
16. deserve(v.): 該得, 應得
17. recognition (n.) An acceptance as true or valid, as of a claim 接受
18. board (n.) 除了板子, 還有"委員會"的意思呦~ An organized body of administrators or investigators
19. chump (n.): A stupid or foolish person

Grammar (文法)

1. You guys were the inventors of Facebook? (假設法: 現在假設)
2. Your actions could permanently destroy everything I've been working on. (現在完成式: 持續)
Collocations/Expressions (搭配與表達)

1. This day sucks. 今天超悶. ( suck: 通常當verb 吸允的意思. 口語表示disgustingly disagreeable or offensive有抱怨的意思. 這個字口語很常聽到, 但我同意小笨霖的說法, 聽起來不悅耳, 請確保僅用於超熟朋友及平輩.) 小笨霖筆記本有深入的說明哦, 給他拍拍手...

2. Is there anything you need to tell me?
3. This is our time.
4. Do you like being a chump? Do you want to go back to that?

經典台詞: "Youn't get to 500 million friends....without makine a few enemies. "


PS 供參考:
1. 單字英英解釋: www.thefreedictionary.com
2. 單字發音: http://www.howjsay.com/ 

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