哈囉, 喜歡看電影學英文嗎? 短片是學英文很好的方式, 隨手可得, 隨處可見, 隨時可複習, 如果你也喜歡英文或電影, 試試看這裡的看電影學英文之3部曲嚕...

Hello everyone, let's watch movie trailers and learn English in 3 steps.

1. 首部曲: 猜猜看, 看過這部電影嗎?


猜對了嗎?就是納尼亞傳奇3: 黎明行者號 (The Chronicles of Naria: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader)
2. 二部曲 : 想想看, 故事內容是什麼? (聽懂多少? 看懂多少?)
(1) 官方版 (無字幕) : 適合中高級以上
(2) 中文字幕版! : 適合初級
(3) 英文字幕版! : 適合中級

會聽到: (1) Why, do I look older? (2) I'm in the painting, isn't it? (3) What's going on here? (What's happeining?) (4) Your majesty! (見到皇室貴族時, 通常會說的話; 如, 陛下大人...等等)...etc. 那你聽到什麼呢???(看的時候別忘動動, 猜猜看; 動動, 聽聽看; 動動, 寫寫看; 動動, 跟著唸唸看哦~)  


3.  三部曲: 讀讀看, anything new or interesting? (檢測過自己的單字, 文法, 跟表達的狀況嗎? 是單字文法基本門檻就不行, 還是聽說讀寫的理解表達能力出了問題呢? 再聽一次官方版或是英文字幕版, 自我檢測一下嚕! Listen again. Let's check it out.)

(1) Vocabulary 單字
(2) Grammar 文法
(3) Collocations/Expressions 表達


Vocabulary   (單字解釋有諸多說法, 需視上下文而定. 所以, 以下單字都以該預告片為主解釋, 有興趣者可自行深入研究嚕~)

1. squirt (n.): ([俚語] a. 年輕人; b. 無足輕重的人)"Squirt? I'm a king!"  Slang (a.) A small or young person. (b.) An insignificant or contemptible person
2. grocery: 雜貨 "You're supposed to be helping with the groceries." . things sold by a grocer (n.pl. groceries)
3. war (n.): 戰爭"There's no war to fight."
4. fight (v.): 打仗
5. make (v):  讓什麼事情發生. "I can make you my king, and much more."To cause to exist or happen; bring about
6. extraordinary destiny: 不尋常的命運
7. masterpiece: 文學名著 (An outstanding work of art or craft; the greatest work, of an artist)
8. fate (n.) 命運: "The fate of Narnia depends on you."
9. depend (v.): 依賴 (* depend on...: 依什麼而決定) "The fate of Narnia depends on you."
10. return (v.): 返回. "You have returned for a reason.""Return to Hope. Return to Magic." To go or come back, as to an earlier condition or place.
11. weird (adj.): 不尋常, 奇怪. "This place just gets weirder and weirder." unusual, strange  12. adventure (n.) : An unusual or exciting experience: ex. an adventure in dining

1. (比較級): (1) Why, do I look older? (2) This place just gets weirder and weirder.
2. (現在完成式: 表經驗, 曾經做過什麼事): (1) Have you seen the ship before? (2) something greater than you have ever imagined ...
3. (現在完成式: 表強調, 已經..): You have returned for a reason.
4. (附加問句: 常用於口語.): I'm in the painting, isn't it?
5. (祈使句): don't, don't
6. (被動式: 被...): You're all about to be tested. (be about to:未來式 (即將...)/ be tested: 被動式 (被測試)


1. Are you sure you are eighteen? (age年紀的說法: "You are eighteen." or "You are eighteen years old.")
2. You are supposed to be helping with the groceries. (be supposed to do something: expected or intended to do something; obliged or allowed to do something "應該作什麼事", 主要指責任.)
3. What's going on here? (What's happeining?)
4. Better luck next time. (similar to "good luck")
5. You have come far, but your journey lies beyond. (字面翻譯: 妳們遠道而來, 但妳們的旅程還在後頭.)
6. Your majesty! (見到皇室貴族時, 通常會說的話; 如, 陛下大人...等等)

PS 延伸學習:
1. chronicle (n.): a record or narrative description of past events (n. 1. 年代記,編年史;紀錄,紀述)
2. voyage (n.): A long journey to a foreign or distant place, especially by sea  (n.
航行,旅程;  旅行遊記,(特指)航海記 )
     (1) a voyage round the world 周遊世界
     (2) a voyage to the moon 飛登月球
     (3) a voyage to the future 未來之旅.

3. dawn (n.): The time each morning at which daylight first begins
4. treader (n.): one who treads  <tread (v.):  To go on foot; walk>


(1) 官方版 (無字幕) : 適合中高級以上
(2) 中文字幕版! : 適合初級
(3) 英文字幕版! : 適合中級


PS 供參考:
1. 單字英英解釋: www.thefreedictionary.com
2. 單字發音: http://www.howjsay.com/ 
(發音重要不是在於腔調好不好聽, 而是在於一定要會念! 而記單字的首要工作就是要會唸!!) 

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